Monday, November 17, 2008

Meat and Politics

Over the weekend, Son and I watched Fast Food Nation. I have already read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Today, I read this article. about fast food joint burgers and chicken being primarily made of corn (from a chemical analysis). It is all scary and are the exact reasons that I don't choose to eat at fast food places or eat meat from the grocery store. My dilemma is that Husband, Son, and sometimes Daughter like to eat meat. So what to do? Buy local, pastured meat from farmers that I know and trust.

Are you wondering why we watched Fast Food Nation to begin with? Son went into the library to get some movies for the predicted rainy cold days we had a few days ago. He came out with Fahrenheit 9/11, Fast Food Nation, and the Hoax. He is 10 and curious about all sorts of things. So we watched all the movies. Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 a week after Obama was just elected was a bit strange. He just kept asking "did that really happen?" and "why?".

He is obviously still processing both movies. Occasional questions come up. It will be interesting to watch how and if he changes after seeing these movies. If you haven't watched them yet - go ahead and do that on the next rainy cold day at your house :-)


Kass said...

Pax likes watching the Free Range Studios videos that are available free online.

Jenn said...

I read Fast Food Nation, but only watched part of the movie. Super Size Me is really good.