Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dark Days Challenge Meal #2

I was going to blog about our sunday meal as my 90% local meal but then I realized it was not very different from last week's meal. How yummy but boring! So instead, two days ago we had a simple chicken salad, homemade pita bread, and a salad. The chicken salad contained: leftover roasted chicken (5 miles), apples (about 8 miles, lacinato kale (15 miles), carrots (8 miles), and raisins (California) with a dressing of mayo (Hain brand but from far away) and mustard (Annie's brand but from far away). The homemade pita bread used wheat from Pittsburgh that I ground myself, salt, honey (25 miles), yeast (in a jar but from where?). If I had made this with the whey leftover from cheesemaking, it would have been even yummier! The salad had a mesclun mix base (15 miles), homemade mozzarella cheese (using 25 mile milk), oil and ume plum vinegar dressing, and more of those far away raisins. Sorry no picture today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You grind your own wheat? How cool! Mesclun is one of my fav bases for salads