Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Big Green Purse - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of the Big Green Purse is all about coffee, tea, cocoa, and chocolate. I did not find much I could improve on here. We don't drink coffee, but I already purchase fair trade, shade grown, organic coffee (Cafe Altura) to offer guests. When we make coffee, we use unbleached coffee filters with our little 4 cup coffee pot and have a large french press pot. All our tea is currently from Celestial Seasonings. I purchase fair trade hot cocoa mix from Equal Exchange. As for chocolate, we love Endangered Species bars (ethically traded, shade grown, and sometimes organic) and the organic Earth Balls put out by Sunspire.

So what can I do better?

I use a fair amount of green decaf tea to make kombucha and herbal teas. I can make sure to purchase fair trade tea as loose tea leaves. Also, on Page 138, the author mentions that you easily decaffeinate your own loose tea leaves - so I will try that (pour boiling water over loose leaves, let steep for 30 sec, pour water off, pour more boiling water on leaves and brew). I think that I will also experiment more with growing herbs that can be made into tea (like peppermint).

Today I got a container of Dagoba cocoa to try (fair trade, shade grown, organic). I'd love to have more local stores which sell fair trade, shade grown, organic chocolate yummies for the kids to enjoy. Which companies should I start writing to... :)

1 comment:

rsweany said...

FYI - Endangered Species Chocolate is having a Cyber Monday sale. 50% off their all-natural chocolate bars and 20% off of other chocolate and select gift sets. It ends Monday at midnight!