Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Cold Frames

I never got around to blogging about it, but last fall I built a cute little cold frame. My intention was to try and have spinach growing and harvestable during the winter/early spring. I bought wood for 2 frames, made one (2.5'x2'), and put it into operation. I got the glass from old windows that I asked for on freecycle. (They turned out to be windows that were removed after the 2001 tornado damaged this person's house; they wanted all the windows in the house to match.) I bought the last spinach plants at my local nursery and what I thought was kale. It turned out to be broccoli :-) I stuck them in my cold frame which sat on top of my sheet mulched bed around the young blueberry bushes. They loved it. The broccoli pushed against the glass top until I encouraged it to do something else. The spinach (just 3 plants) was so small until a few weeks ago that I did not want to harvest it for fear of killing it.

But I did finally get brave and harvest some spinach for salads a week or two ago. I was then further inspired. I ordered spring seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. This weekend I built and installed another larger (2'x5') cold frame. I plan on doing a second large one today. Yesterday I planted kale, spinach, swiss chard, and lettuce mix. I am trying to figure out how to track my efforts in the gardening arena so I can figure out what works and what needs tweaked. I'll let you know when I decide!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vernal Equinox Potluck Party

Join us as we welcome Spring on Saturday March 20, 2010 from 3-7+ pm at our house. It is a potluck, which means we all get to sample lots of yummy (homemade! local food!) dishes that everybody brings. We will provide dishes which show off the delicious pork sausage and salad greens from our local farmer friends. I am sure there will be fresh bread made with our home-ground whole grain flour too.

If you have a favorite or unique game/activity that you'd like to share with us, please do so. We are always looking to experience new things. Who knows, you might spark a new passion for someone at the party!

Many years ago, I understand it was commonplace to bring your own basket with dishes, cups, and cutlery when you went places. I believe they are called picnic baskets ;-) We want to revive this tradition, so please pack up a basket with dishes your family loves to eat off and join us for the feast!

Whether you are a homeschooler, yoga lover, locavore, cyclist, life learner, or none of these - we look forward to celebrating the coming of Spring with you. Do RSVP please so we know to expect you!


Yesterday we enjoyed a fun day with our unschooling friends. We played lasertag and went to the Air and Space Museum Annex by Dulles Airport. We decided to have a monthly get together and rotate where we go and what we do. Want more info? Head over the the MidAtlantic Unschooler GatheringS page.