Monday, October 27, 2008

Bye Bye Go Kart

Remember when I posted about purchasing a go kart for Son? He has enjoyed his go kart very much. He figured out how to prevent the go kart from stalling by finessing the gas and brake. He learned about loans, compounding interest, and choosing to purchase one object over another. He experimented with turning radius, acceleration up a hill, and stopping distance. He experienced its not so great handling, the bumpiness of the ride, and the smell of the exhaust. We paid for and did the work to replace the bearings and the clutch. He got grassy from driving right after mowing. He paid for gas and filled up the tank for his joy ride. He loved his go kart.

Yesterday it left our house. We sold it. Son had driven it long enough to satisfy his need. He had not driven it in weeks. It was his idea to sell the go kart. He sucked the life out of the go kart and then passed it on for another boy and his cousins to love. Enjoy the ride!

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