Son has been interested in boats for a while now. He has gone on a row boat and paddle boats. He loved the idea of powerboating. He was browsing Craig's List one time and asked if we could buy a $15,000 boat. Umm, no.
After weeks (and more weeks) of putting him off about purchasing a power boat (we said no for gas, cost, and interest reasons), I was able to shift into trying to help him get what he wanted. I suggested we walk down the street to our powerboating neighbors and ask to go out when they are going anyway. They of course said sure but not today. They said they'd call. Waiting is so hard. Last weekend, they finally called and Son and Husband got to go out on the Potomac River in a power boat. At first, he didn't want to go. I shifted and reframed the opportunity with the excitement I knew he would have. He quickly packed his bag and headed off. First time out on a power boat for Son. He came home tired, a bit windblown, and joyous. He enjoyed the boating, he enjoyed the company (bit older girl to talk to), but boy was he hungry! Apparently going on top of the water at 70 mph was a bit more interesting than eating his sandwich :-) I was so happy to have helped him Shine on that day.
That was over a week ago. This past weekend, we watched the movie Sentinel. We enjoyed Michael Douglas as a Secret Service agent. Now my kids are Shining with their new nerf guns and cool sunglasses and doing lots of secret missions. Madame president frequently needs the house sweeped for bad guys. The First Man's arrival home from a busy day at the office is an anticipated and well planned out event now :-) I do sometimes wish we had guns that shoot love or peace instead of guns with toy bullets. But I suppose I need to work on my pretending a bit more too!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bellydancing - my new passion!
Yesterday I had a great time going to my first bellydancing workshop. I went to the House of Dance for a Choreography Workshop with Amy Koskey. We moved, we shaked, and had a grand old time. Amy dances a tribal fusions tyle which was so much fun. I learned that someone I have known for over 6 years teaches bellydance in the next county over and dances with the area bellydance troupe. Wow that was a surprise. I checked out her photos on the web and no wonder I never knew. She looks so different decked out in bellydancing attire than when I see her at the nature center where she works:-)
I know what you are thinking. Why bellydance? Why now? Well, at Live and Learn, Mindy and her son Max did this fusion bellydance/hip hop act which made me want to be on stage dancing with them. Since I came home from L&L thinking that the things I spend my days doing were kind of boring - I was feeling open to new passions. I got advice to just try a bunch of new things and see what I liked. I tried bellydance. I like!
On the way to the workshop, I stopped to pick up some wood burning tools that I got through freecycle. My Roots and Shoots group is going to make some trail signs for a local state park. The funny thing was that the place I picked up these tools was the same neighborhood as my friend Ronda used to live in. The same Ronda that started the Roots and Shoots group and then handed it over to me several months later! We sure miss you dear:-)
I am checking out an actual bellydance class this weekend. I hope that is as fun as the workshop I did yeaterday.
I know what you are thinking. Why bellydance? Why now? Well, at Live and Learn, Mindy and her son Max did this fusion bellydance/hip hop act which made me want to be on stage dancing with them. Since I came home from L&L thinking that the things I spend my days doing were kind of boring - I was feeling open to new passions. I got advice to just try a bunch of new things and see what I liked. I tried bellydance. I like!
On the way to the workshop, I stopped to pick up some wood burning tools that I got through freecycle. My Roots and Shoots group is going to make some trail signs for a local state park. The funny thing was that the place I picked up these tools was the same neighborhood as my friend Ronda used to live in. The same Ronda that started the Roots and Shoots group and then handed it over to me several months later! We sure miss you dear:-)
I am checking out an actual bellydance class this weekend. I hope that is as fun as the workshop I did yeaterday.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Where oh where is my Tribe?
This month's blog carnival is about unschooling tribes. I am not sure how many people count as a tribe. I have tribe components. People that my family and I love to be with, enjoy doing things with, and don't think we are totally wacko. People that see us Shine. Unfortunately, these wonderful people are spread out (from 10 minutes away to North Carolina - soon to be Washington State) so have not seen more than one family at a time. Also, many of my tribe components are too busy to see us more than every few weeks which feels very untribe-like. I crave more. More people. More getting together. More fun. More tribe.
So what am I doing about that? Well, surrounding ourselves with mainstream people or mainstream homeschoolers is not an option. They really think we are off the deep end. I have actually been told from some of these people that they do not want their kids around mine. Reason being seems to be totally their problem: my kids are allowed to do things their kids are not and they don't want to explain the whys of that to their kids. Just wait till their kids are teenagers!
So connecting with unschoolers is my goal then. Here's my plan:
(1) I took my family to the Live and Learn Conference. Now I have a tribe member in my own home - Dear Husband :-) And we met tons of cool people from all over the country. I really hope to be ablet o visit some of these folks or host them at our place in the future.
(2) I organize Unschooler Hangouts in the DC/Baltimore metro area. I tell people on SMHN, marylandorganiclearning, and MidAtlanticRadicalUnschoolers email lists about the Hangouts. We have met several new families this way. Getting together the second time seems to be harder...
(3) I am trying to cultivate the relationships I already have. Daughter has one friend who attends school and I am working hard to maintain this relationship for her. I am trying to stay connected with my friends even when our kids do not enjoy each others company. Son is the hardest one since not many local people can see what a fabulous, shiny, person he is.
(4) I have a large virtual tribe at the Radical Unschoolers Network which is really cool and really makes me feel good.
I have tons of ideas of cool things to do with a tribe, but I still need that physical, local tribe in order to take my ideas and make them flourish.
So what am I doing about that? Well, surrounding ourselves with mainstream people or mainstream homeschoolers is not an option. They really think we are off the deep end. I have actually been told from some of these people that they do not want their kids around mine. Reason being seems to be totally their problem: my kids are allowed to do things their kids are not and they don't want to explain the whys of that to their kids. Just wait till their kids are teenagers!
So connecting with unschoolers is my goal then. Here's my plan:
(1) I took my family to the Live and Learn Conference. Now I have a tribe member in my own home - Dear Husband :-) And we met tons of cool people from all over the country. I really hope to be ablet o visit some of these folks or host them at our place in the future.
(2) I organize Unschooler Hangouts in the DC/Baltimore metro area. I tell people on SMHN, marylandorganiclearning, and MidAtlanticRadicalUnschoolers email lists about the Hangouts. We have met several new families this way. Getting together the second time seems to be harder...
(3) I am trying to cultivate the relationships I already have. Daughter has one friend who attends school and I am working hard to maintain this relationship for her. I am trying to stay connected with my friends even when our kids do not enjoy each others company. Son is the hardest one since not many local people can see what a fabulous, shiny, person he is.
(4) I have a large virtual tribe at the Radical Unschoolers Network which is really cool and really makes me feel good.
I have tons of ideas of cool things to do with a tribe, but I still need that physical, local tribe in order to take my ideas and make them flourish.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Buy My Stuff
I have an online store now. How strange is that? The recycled floppy disk things my kids and I made for a Roots and Shoots project finally might be leaving my house! I might be knitting some stuff too. And expanding my creativity even further...
Check it out:
Let me know how you like it!
Check it out:
Let me know how you like it!
Welcome Back Creativity!
So I started knitting a few weeks ago - after returning from the Live and Learn Conference. I had some thick, rich, purple yarn that I had been given at a Christmas past. I knitted myself a small purse - just large enough for my wallet, phone, and keys. Then I braved joining a group of oh so creative folks - the Imagination Tribe. Then I decided to try out a Trade. This is where you make whatever the Trade topic is (a small bag in this case), send it off to the host of the Trade, and they send you back a bag that someone else made. How cool is that?! So here are the two bags I made and am sending:

I'll let you know what I get back from the Trade!

I'll let you know what I get back from the Trade!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hanging out with Unschoolers
A few days ago we went and hung out at the National Colonial Farm with some other unschoolers (Jane and Bethani). It was a fabulous time - just like last time we were with Jane at Fort Washington. Every other week or so we get together someplace with lots of space and interesting things to do, play, wander around the place, talk, and just be. We call these days Unschooler Hangouts.
This time, my friend Jane tells me "Around other unschoolers, I'm radical. I had no idea I was so left!". I have only known her since January, but she always seemed pretty radical to me. That is one reason why we connected so well. She sees the beauty and shine in my children that few others seem to see. Jane is A OK in my book to be as left as she wants!
The girls had a great time together - even after there was chasing, tripping, both girls falling to the dusty road, and making up. Here they are just after saying goodbye to the pig.

We were in awe of each other at the end of the day. I was totally impressed with her calm state and way of handling when her son Nik was just not there when she turned around. He had gone to see the pigs, had not heard that we were changing plans to see the horses, and so we proceeded unknowingly without him. She did not worry about his location, only how she would reconnect with him. When they did find each other, he was sad to have realized he was alone. She did not berate him, or chide him for being in a different place from everyone else. Later she told me story of how she came to know when Nik just needed his own space. Fantastic!
She was impressed with my ability to help Son work through his hunger, need for a snack, desire to go home before his sister was ready. I tend to do better in front of an audience :-) Jane's son Christopher helped Son as well. For him it was as easy as walking up to him and walking away talking with him.
All in all, we decided it was way more fun to hang out with other radical unschoolers that others. We don't feel judged, or like some parent is waiting for us to reign in our kids when they are just doing what makes them happy. Did we stop the kids from throwing stuff at the turkeys? You bet. Did we let the kids throw rocks into the river from the shore? You bet. Did we all have a fabulous time? You bet. Even though it was her first time with us ever - Bethani agrees!
This time, my friend Jane tells me "Around other unschoolers, I'm radical. I had no idea I was so left!". I have only known her since January, but she always seemed pretty radical to me. That is one reason why we connected so well. She sees the beauty and shine in my children that few others seem to see. Jane is A OK in my book to be as left as she wants!
The girls had a great time together - even after there was chasing, tripping, both girls falling to the dusty road, and making up. Here they are just after saying goodbye to the pig.

We were in awe of each other at the end of the day. I was totally impressed with her calm state and way of handling when her son Nik was just not there when she turned around. He had gone to see the pigs, had not heard that we were changing plans to see the horses, and so we proceeded unknowingly without him. She did not worry about his location, only how she would reconnect with him. When they did find each other, he was sad to have realized he was alone. She did not berate him, or chide him for being in a different place from everyone else. Later she told me story of how she came to know when Nik just needed his own space. Fantastic!
She was impressed with my ability to help Son work through his hunger, need for a snack, desire to go home before his sister was ready. I tend to do better in front of an audience :-) Jane's son Christopher helped Son as well. For him it was as easy as walking up to him and walking away talking with him.
All in all, we decided it was way more fun to hang out with other radical unschoolers that others. We don't feel judged, or like some parent is waiting for us to reign in our kids when they are just doing what makes them happy. Did we stop the kids from throwing stuff at the turkeys? You bet. Did we let the kids throw rocks into the river from the shore? You bet. Did we all have a fabulous time? You bet. Even though it was her first time with us ever - Bethani agrees!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Live and Learn - Wow!
Ok, so I haven't managed to write every day or even every other. But that's ok. I am relieving myself of that duty.
So we got back a few days ago from the Live and Learn Conference near Asheville, NC. It was fantastic for so many reasons. First of all, Son connected with a friend on the first day and we rarely saw him for the rest of the conference. He played, partied, and had a great time. He sometimes had a hard time getting food he wanted at the cafeteria, but he neglected to mention that until the last day. He also stayed in said friend's room one night. That was his first night away from us - a milestone. His new friend Pavi thought Son was great as did Pavi's parents (I had never met a stay at home unschooling dad before - how cool!).
Second of all, Husband attended talks and watched the people around him and has come home Changed (in my observation). He is much more committed to unschooling. Maybe it was seeing how happy and terrific Son can be when he truly getting his needs AND wants met. Maybe it was Beth's sparkly talk on Peaceful Partnerships. Maybe it was seeing all those grown and almost grown unschoolers in real life and seeing how confident, well-spoken, and darned interesting they are. Whatever it was about the conference, I am thankful:-)
Daughter, Son, and Husband challenged themselves with the climbing tower and the giant swing. Wow, they were impressive - especially Daughter since she is only 5. The swing was so high!
We stayed with 2 families on our way to the conference - found via - my new favorite way to stay. You get to meet cool people, hang out with them in their home environment, stay overnight, then return the favor by hosting someone in your home at another time.
On our trip to NC, we rented a small sailboat and the kids sailed for the first time. That was pretty cool. We hiked around in Stone Mountain park (the most memorable - I mean infamous - vacation destination from my youth). Oh, we had a great time. I instilled a desire to travel more. We are planning already!
So we got back a few days ago from the Live and Learn Conference near Asheville, NC. It was fantastic for so many reasons. First of all, Son connected with a friend on the first day and we rarely saw him for the rest of the conference. He played, partied, and had a great time. He sometimes had a hard time getting food he wanted at the cafeteria, but he neglected to mention that until the last day. He also stayed in said friend's room one night. That was his first night away from us - a milestone. His new friend Pavi thought Son was great as did Pavi's parents (I had never met a stay at home unschooling dad before - how cool!).
Second of all, Husband attended talks and watched the people around him and has come home Changed (in my observation). He is much more committed to unschooling. Maybe it was seeing how happy and terrific Son can be when he truly getting his needs AND wants met. Maybe it was Beth's sparkly talk on Peaceful Partnerships. Maybe it was seeing all those grown and almost grown unschoolers in real life and seeing how confident, well-spoken, and darned interesting they are. Whatever it was about the conference, I am thankful:-)
Daughter, Son, and Husband challenged themselves with the climbing tower and the giant swing. Wow, they were impressive - especially Daughter since she is only 5. The swing was so high!
We stayed with 2 families on our way to the conference - found via - my new favorite way to stay. You get to meet cool people, hang out with them in their home environment, stay overnight, then return the favor by hosting someone in your home at another time.
On our trip to NC, we rented a small sailboat and the kids sailed for the first time. That was pretty cool. We hiked around in Stone Mountain park (the most memorable - I mean infamous - vacation destination from my youth). Oh, we had a great time. I instilled a desire to travel more. We are planning already!
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