Thursday, August 7, 2008

My First Sleepover

Yesterday I pulled out my circular saw to make shelves for a pantry cabinet in the basement (need somewhere to store all those canning jars full of yummy local food that I make!). Daughter and I went to Lowe's and get wood - but it was FSC certified hardwood plywood. We cut it to size with just one cut each piece. We soaped up the pegs to hold up the shelves and voila there we go. A pantry. Now I just need to go back and get more of the peg things now that I know they are the right size. I only have one shelf in my 3 shelf cabinet.

After that, I dropped Daughter off at her friend L's house (for the first time without me there) and headed off to my beloved yoga class. It was so nice to be there and it turned out to be a fabulous private class. Yeah for me! When I picked up Daughter, L came with us for our first sleepover. I don't remember sleeping over at a friend's house except maybe once when I was growing up so it all felt new to me. Since they had already had a few hours to play together, Daughter and L were getting along great when we got home. But they were getting tired already. We played restaurant (so they could have a snack), set up our city rugs and little cars to play, and got out some books for when we got tired. They were both so tired but unwilling to go to sleep early. I finally put on my nightgown, announced I was reading 2 books aloud and turning off the lights of my room. They each had a room they could go play in if they wanted. They opted to stay with me and lights out. I didn't take long for them to fall asleep. L had a bit of a hard time because Zelda the Cat was purring loudly. I got up at my normal time and hopped with into the shower. I was surprised to come out of the shower to Daughter dressed and ready to play with the sleeping L. Waiting is so hard sometimes. Zelda the Cat woke L up with her meowing for brushing to the wait wasn't too long. Getting started in the morning was a challenge with the two girls. I called L's mom and asked her to stop by and see if L was ready to go home. Once I got enough fuel into them, things were much better. L was not ready to go, so now they are in the basement being noisy and active and having a grand old time. I think it was a success!

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