Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Problem

So I had my homeschool review a while back. I was told I had a problem. Wanna guess what it is? Go ahead, I'll give you a minute ....

Nope, that's not it. Not that either! My problem is that I am learning centered in my approach to homeschooling. Yes, you read that right. Being learning centered is a problem.

My reviewer said he was teaching centered. He had to be because of his job. I was learning centered and that was very different. We agree on that. He did suggest we meet in the middle so he could do his job easier. Could be worse!

Ok, so I didn't bring the samples of my kid's work. Bad me. They will get over it though. I brought two of those calendars which look like books - one for each kid. They have at least 5 different things on each DAY (and way more than 180 of them) which the kids did for learning purposes. I was told "Anyone can bring this in, we need to see what your kids actually did". Hmmm. This was the proof of my instruction. It seems a little silly that they truely want to see 5 pieces of paper from my kid. That is how we got into discussion about My Problem.

You are wondering what I have to do now, aren't you. I have to bring in samples of my kids' work to my next review - next year. That sure showed me, huh?! Yes, I might remember to bring the samples next time. Or I might join an umbrella group and not have to see them again. There are probable a whole host of fun ways to handle this situation, but a 12 step program for My Problem is not one of them :-) I like my problem.

Oh, my kids did start blogs however. We'll see how that goes...


Linsey said...

Hi Zoa! What is learning centered vs. teaching centered?

ZZZ said...

Linsey - here's what it means to me:

learning centered: focusing on what is actually learned, what skill is developed, what knowledge can be used from memory, etc.

teaching centered: focusing on what kids are asked to read, what lessons kids sit through, what things are shown to the kids

Linsey said...

You must have been dumb founded at that meeting. How narrow minded of them! I hope you write about your umbrella org search/experience if that ever happens. I would be interested. Have your children always been homeschooled?

ZZZ said...

If I went with an umbrella group, that would be an easy choice. There are two unschooling friendly umbrella groups in MD. Both are good in their own ways. But for now, I have decided not worry about it.

Yes, my kids have always been at home. We should talk more when you pick up food sometime.

Catherine Schenck-Yglesias, MHS said...

In healthcarespeak, this seems analogous to a focus on quality of care vs on patient clinical outcomes, or more basically health and well-being. Clinician, like teacher, behavior can be monitored/evaluated and so can health and learning outcomes. People may often prefer to be evaluated on the former as that is what they can control. Presumably they were taught evidence-based practices. But in students' and patients' lives there is more impacting their outcomes than the one teacher or clinician, generally speaking.... this is something I deal with at work so I could immediately relate!

Also -- a year later for the follow-up? What a system!